General settings set your starting AttractionSuite
In this article:
- Calendar Style Online and In-House
- Enable function
- Enable customized settings
- More buttons on the Online Calendar
Calendar Style Online and In-House
Consumer Calendar Style Monthly Calendar, Weekly Calendar, Tour List, Choose an Online Display Style
Control Panel Default View Monthly, Weekly, Daily
Control Panel Default Inventory Display Available, Sold, Sold/Original, Available/Original, Sold/Available
Enable the function
Checked off them the click save button on top right corner
Link Profile to Billing Information
Enable and set up Stake Your Claim
Enable and set up Scheduled Emails
Enable and set up Partner
Enable and set up Pickup
Enable Category Promotion For categories to be promoted, add options to general settings and to category settings. If the category is not picked when purchasing online, it will be listed in a pop-up window with question wordings set by user. What you like to display for the title of request? Up to 100 characters
Show Group Name Online
Allow and set up Gift Certificates Online
Allow and set up Coupon Codes Online
Allow and set up Vouchers Online
Billing Name Mandatory for In-House Bookings
Mobile Phone Number Mandatory
Enable and set up Lead Source Mandatory for In-House Bookings
Enable and set up Lead Source Mandatory for Online
Restrict ticket to be printed only once on a per-user basis
Display Availability Online Don’t show availability, Show all availability, Show when equal to or less than X
Allow In-House Bookings for All Tours for the Day
Special Request What you like to display for the title of request, ex. Special request or Have anything to say? Up to 100 characters
Enable customized settings
Custom Label Passenger, Participant, Rider, Customer
Meals This meal feature allows you to add the selections of available meals to those tours that include meal as part of the tour. Set special meals for special categories
Add and set up Custom Fields Here is the scenario: The name of the custom choice field is “What kind of food do you like?” And we set the choices to be like “Chicken”,” Steak”, and “Snake”. Up to 10 choices
TripAdvisor Location ID Add TripAdvisor Widget in tour detail page
Google Map Places ID Add Google Map Places Widget in tour detail page
Account Reservation Data report export by Reservation Date Range then Send report to email address
More buttons on the Online Calendar
What words do you like the 1st button to display? Up to 40 characters.
What link do you want to use for the 1st button? Put the title and link for 1st button
What words do you like the 2nd button to display? Up to 40 characters.
What link do you want to use for the 2nd button? Put the title and link for 2en button
Hello Word H1
Hello Word H1
Hello Word H1
Hello Word H1
Hello Word H1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra enim ac consectetur maximus. Praesent at augue ac risus consectetur varius. Aliquam nunc ipsum, fermentum sit amet nulla sed, finibus blandit orci. Quisque lobortis imperdiet risus tincidunt facilisis. Duis eu odio ultrices, luctus massa id, semper quam. Aliquam commodo nec dolor eu placerat. Cras vitae fermentum ligula. Praesent tellus lectus, imperdiet eu turpis eu, rutrum pellentesque nunc. Sed fermentum fermentum elit sed facilisis. Aenean ac ligula in lectus rhoncus condimentum. Donec consectetur, ligula a consectetur placerat, felis metus aliquam nunc, vel posuere justo dolor sed arcu. Pellentesque suscipit lorem sit amet odio porta dapibus. Sed placerat risus ut ultricies pretium. In eget lacus dui. Suspendisse porttitor, arcu a consectetur ultricies, augue ante finibus velit, a consectetur diam nisl ac tortor. Suspendisse dictum porta efficitur.
Vestibulum ligula dui, accumsan vitae vulputate et, hendrerit ut nibh. Cras tortor justo, imperdiet id malesuada in, tincidunt quis elit. Aliquam convallis tempor nisl, ac cursus velit dapibus ac. Donec vel aliquam justo, non interdum nibh. Nunc sapien enim, vulputate vel nulla mattis, pretium rhoncus dolor. Morbi mollis luctus ultrices. Vivamus venenatis, velit congue elementum consequat, velit erat tempor sapien, ut iaculis sapien est in metus. Nulla iaculis dolor quis nisi sollicitudin, ornare volutpat tellus eleifend. Phasellus vitae velit enim. Fusce vehicula, nulla pulvinar tristique aliquet, leo augue aliquet dui, vitae vestibulum velit sem vel massa. Donec eros orci, lobortis non fermentum ac, dignissim nec nunc.
Suspendisse finibus et massa id imperdiet. Suspendisse eget malesuada erat. Nam vel aliquet nisi, ac vulputate ex. Duis augue nisi, posuere sed lobortis at, ultrices gravida purus. Ut maximus condimentum nisi. Suspendisse eget nulla vitae odio sodales fermentum. Proin quis vestibulum nunc. Nam tristique non justo vel pretium. Donec eleifend, purus vel bibendum lacinia, sapien leo commodo ante, eu congue mi erat quis ipsum.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Donec et velit nec mauris viverra accumsan.
- Etiam semper arcu ac massa tempor mattis.
- Quisque tincidunt sapien quis orci sagittis, eget tincidunt dolor efficitur.
- Vestibulum vitae libero pretium, varius eros at, suscipit purus.
- Phasellus non odio sollicitudin tortor semper consequat eget ut tortor.
- Quisque malesuada massa et justo tristique, vitae placerat sapien tincidunt.
- Mauris volutpat eros vitae venenatis vehicula.
- Vestibulum elementum mauris sed bibendum porttitor.
- Suspendisse pulvinar dolor eu augue volutpat, sit amet blandit diam ullamcorper.
- Nulla eget sapien sagittis odio vestibulum malesuada ut eget sapien.
- Quisque vitae risus vel ipsum fringilla ultrices.
- Nunc vitae libero pharetra, condimentum lacus ac, fermentum justo.
- Nunc in magna rutrum, viverra mi sit amet, tincidunt justo.
This partner profile allows you to manage your partner info, which will allow partner to enter their code during the (in-house and online) reservation process. In order to use this partner function, you will need to enable it first in the settings.
Enable Partner Profiles: From the Setting module
- Click on the Enable Partner checkbox
- Click on SAVE button
Creating Partner Profiles: From the Profile module
- Click on PROFILE | PARTNER button
- Click on the CREATE button
- Enter Contact Information
Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. If Address/Phone is not necessary for your records, you can enter a single character in these fields to save time. Partnership Code = this code will be entered during the reservation process either online by the Partner, or In-House by selecting from list. Partner Name = the name that will be displayed in your Partner report.
- Click SAVE button
Online Reservation Process
Your Partner will enter their code on the payment screen by clicking on “Click here to enter partner code” and enter the partner code.
In-House Reservation process
You can select the partner during the new reservation or modify existing reservation by click on the PARTNER CODE drop down list in the bottom-right hand corner of the reservation screen.