Modifying Tour Pricing


There are Two Areas that affect your Tour Pricing. On the Basic Data page you Select The Price Categories that this Tour will use, and you also Enter Taxes and/or Fees that you wish to collect. The Season Price screen is where you Input or Modify the Category Pricing, along with the Valid Dates that the Tour Operates.

How To Modifying Tour Pricing

  1. On the left menu bar, click on Tour > Tour list
  2. Click the Edit beside the Tour you wish to update
  3. Basic DataSelect or Modify Categories, Tax and Fees
  4. Click on Save if any changes were made on the Basic Data screen
  5. Click the Season Price tab – Update Category Pricing and/or (Available Dates)
  6. Click Edit to Modify Pricing
  7. Enter New Pricing
  8. Click Save

Note:  You can not remove a category once it is used in a reservation. Any new price will take effect with new or modifying reservation but will not effect any reservations that were made with the previous price.