Quickly create tours with the same information but different departure times and valid dates. It will be necessary to Copy when you need to delete a Category from a tour, or if you wish to change the Time for the entire season. Times can be changed on a specific date if needed.
- On left menu bar, click on Tour>Tour List
- Find the Tour then click Copy
- Click Yes when the alert appears “Do you want to copy this tour?”
Fill in Copy Tour dialog box:
- Name for new Tour
- Valid dates for new Tour
- Code for new Tour (Optional field ~ a good practice is to include the time in this field)
- Departure time
- Display new tour online (Yes/No)
- Name for Online Display
- New name for Season Price (ie: 2021, Summer, Spring ..etc)
- Valid dates for Season Price
- Tour Availability Code – Select from drop down list or fill in New Tour Availability Code .
- Click Save
After you receive the Copy Success message – you can simply click the Edit button below the new/copied tour to modify any content that you wish to change for the new tour.