Minimum Report


This report gives allows you to track all the reservations with minimum and use this report to followup on the reservations that the minimum has not met yet.  

Note: In order to see this report, you will need to enable tour minimum feature in the settings and add it in the tour.

In This Article

  1. Generate Report
  2. Export Report

Generate Report

  1. On the left menu bar, click on Report > Minimum Report
  2. Enter Travel Date Range
  3. Select Tour Name
  4. Select the Reservation Time
  5. Select Tour that has Met the Minimum or Not
  6. Select reservations that have been Canceled or Not
  7. Click on Search

Export Report

  1. Follow the steps above to Generate Report
  2. There are only two formats available for export
    • PDF – Export report to PDF format
    • XLS – Export report to Excel format