Cancel All Reservations for a Specific Date at Once


This article explains how to cancel all the reservations booked for a specific tour for that specific date at once. 

From Control Panel

1. Click on the Tour you wish to Cancel All Reservations on that Date
2. Select Cancel All Reservations


Pop up message: Are you sure you want to cancel all reservations,  lick Yes to Cancel All Reservations. If Not please click No


  1. Check Email Address in BCC field
  2. Put Email Subject
  3. Put Notes
  4. Click Send button


Whoever booked this tour on the day will receive the following Email


After Cancel All Reservations for a tour. All Inventories will be Returned and available to sale

1. Click on the Tour
2. Select View Reservations


The status is Cancelled for All Reservations


Note:  This feature only cancel the reservations booked that tour for that date and send out email to those who booked those reservations, but you will need to go to each reservations and refund it as this process will need to be handled manually one reservation at a time.  Please refer to this article to learn how to refund the canceled reservation.